Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I been thinking to start my own blog long time ago ever since i found that blogging is a fun thing to do when i am free. *smile* *twink* *twink* ... It's quite interesting by reading others people's blog as sometime you could found some nice sharing from friends so i hope that i am not too late yet and i can continue this effort... *laugh*

Finally, on 1 of my off day and i am free so i decided to create my own blog which is back on September [Gosh~ now is November already] ... but human tends to be lazy, so i been dragged the time to start my own blog... *shy*..*shy*..

Just like tonight, i am also don't really know what is the thing that make me start my first blog, so i just started to write whatever that come across my mind... At this moment, i am abit distracting from my surrounding as i am currently watching movie, listening to Jay's music and MSN with my close friend... *multitasking*... so i hope that what i am writing is not nonsense... *laugh*

This song sounds nice to me from Jay... hope anyone of you will like it...


哪里有彩虹告诉我 能不能把我的愿望还给我

为什么天这么安静 所有的云都跑到我这里

※有没有口罩一个给我 释怀说了太多就成真不了

 也许时间是一种解药 也是我现在正服下的毒药

#看不见你的笑我怎么睡得着 你的声音这么近我却抱不到

 没有地球 太阳还是会绕 没有理由 我也能自己走

*你要离开 我知道很简单 你说依赖 是我们的阻碍

 就算放开 但能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白

Repeat ※,#,*

(Rap)看不见你的笑 要我怎么睡的着 你的声音这么近我却抱不到

没有地球太阳还是会绕会绕 没有理由我也能自己走掉
释怀说了太多就成真不了也许时间是一种解药解药 也是我现在正服下的毒药


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