When i first join, i was with a team called OSC which is a big group of peoples and it is fun to work with them. Then thing start to change.... [I tried very hard to recall back my department name!!! U know!!! ]
There goes...
- GO [Global Operation] -OSC [Operation Service Center] then
- GO -GSM [Global Systems Management] then
- GO -GSM Server Frontline then
- GO -GSM -PAM [Platform Application Management] then
- GO -GSM -PAM Server Analyst then
- GO -GSM Infrastructure then
- GO -GSM Security then
- ISD [Integrated Service Desk] -GSM Security then
- ISD -SSD [Security Service Desk] then
- ISD -ISM [Information Security Management] then
- ISD -ISM -MaP [Monitoring and Patching] then
- IIRS [Intel Information Risk and Security] -ISM -MaP then
- ECCC [Enterprise Capabilities, Controls and Compliance] -ISM -MaP then
- ECCC -ISM -MaP then
- ECCC -EISO [Enterprise Information Security Operations] -MaP
To list this down i had ask few persons include my ex and current team mate on this... With the frequent changes, my ex-boss decided not to let us to make our name card due waste money...
And this remind me on the OSC days, OSC's xmas celebration was the most happening event that i ever had in my company. Why say so??? Check on the pics:
The people:
The Snowman competition:
The kids: